Block Phone CallsReject unwanted calls and block any numbers you wantBlock unwanted calls, accept incoming calls from only your contacts, reject annoying calls or spam ... Block Phone Calls can do all that. If you do not want to receive calls from private numbers, messages from annoying people or unknown calls, this is your application. Reject calls automatically from the phone numbers you select. Manage your contacts and allow calls to the desired numbers.Block Phone Calls has the following features:- Block calls- Blacklist- Favorite contacts: lista blanca- Block calls for a predetermined period of time- Hang up calls, leave in silence, leave on vibration- Blocked call log- Easy and simple- FreeBlock Phone Calls block calls from contacts you choose, This application has different locking modes and blocks calls in different ways: you can not receive calls, leave the phone in silence or vibrate mode. You can also select who you want to block, block all calls, block only those in the blacklist, only support calls from the white list or only accept calls from your contacts. Avoid annoying spam and annoying calls, reject private numbers and allow incoming calls to your choice thanks to this application.New favorite contacts feature: If you want to block all calls except those in a contact group, the new whitelist feature is the solution. The contacts in the white list or favorite contacts will be the contacts that if you can receive calls if you choose that configuration. Remember that there is also the classic blacklist function which is the list of blocked contacts.Block Phone Calls can be programmed to work for as long as you want. Will reject the calls you select during the time you have set. Within this function you can also choose whether to block the contacts from the blacklist for a while, reject calls from all over the world except those of your favorite contacts that are on the white list or only accept calls from your phone contacts.